Friday, September 24, 2010

My Project

   For the literacy project I am going to either do a power point, movie or slide show of my work at the daycare. I have been working at the Kids Klub Daycare in Mashpee for two years. Over these past years I have learned how to communicate and understand people better. Being a teacher you need to know the parents as well as you know your students. Kids and parents are all different, so you have to approach situations differently with each one. My people skills have greatly improved since working there.

Project Options

   The project that stood out most was Music more than reading. The tittle is interesting where you are willing to watch a few seconds to see what it is about. Also the music had a good beat where your sitting there nodding you head and dancing a little in your seat. It was nice that he changed the song when he was telling about the change in his life. Also there is not may lyrics sung, so you can focus on what he wrote instead of singing along. Also the oder was nice. It started out in the past to the present day. There also was a little humor in there so it wasn't such a serious piece.
    I think his project was relatable to because it is hard to make friends, everyone has been there at some point. Friendship doesn't always come easy, it helps when you join something your passionate about and you find people like you. The message is important. This is something I would show to a group of junior high kids who are trying to find there way. It is a good piece to show at a challenge day. It was my favorite project out of the four.