Friday, November 12, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis

    One reading assigned this week was about Rhetorical Analysis. Before reading this I did not know what rhetorical analysis was. I knew what rhetoric was and what analysis was, so I had an idea to what it was. It is a way of understanding and interpreting texts by examining the rhetorical devices used, the context of the text, and the audience. In away we use rhetorical analysis everyday . Under the section Understanding Rhetorical Analysis the write says "You react to what others say or write all the time", but its not just writing. We look at commercials, billboards, and Ads that are around us everyday and we have some type of reaction to them. Such as the rains picture they use.
    Most people have hears of Sun Made Raisins and seen the young pretty girl on the cover. In the book the picture has changed to a skeleton of a women. At first I only noticed the skeleton and then I read the text underneath. The picture of the skeleton would not be the best choice for advertising the raisins. The people selling the raisins (the topic) are trying to show parents (their audience) how healthy and great raisins are for their children. Would you rather buy a carton with a healthy young girl or a skeleton. I think that answer is easy. This only one of the helpful ways this assignment helped us with Rhetorical Analysis.
  It tells us to choose text we know how to analyze and choose text that "investigate interesting arguments that o interesting things". Also we need to choose text we can learn more about, which goes along with text that we can work with. Some text might be interesting to write about, but if you cannot understand the text, Ad, or film then what good is your analysis going to be. All these are helpful tools to have in mind when writing.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Who revises anyway?

  I don't know about other people I never revised my work in high school unless the teacher made me. I did not want to waste my time. Plus the computer has spell check so why correct it myself. In HTWA there is a comic strip about how to revise your work. The comic is true. How many times do you sit at your computer with food trying to make your paper sound right? You sit there for hours and you can’t figure out what’s wrong. I like how they have the student going out and getting fresh air and doing something else. Although most of us aren’t going to go to a mountain but you get the point. The two readings kind of give you a check list or helpful hints to look back on when writing. The “checklist” will give students away to stay on topic. I already have the pages marked off.

Friday, October 8, 2010


     A twisted world by James Mc Morrow Jr. had an interesting take on politics. It was interesting to think about celebrities running the country. Our lives would be different if they were to run the country because yes they have played the role of a president or a Major in the Army. The issues we considered important would be thrown out the window. At the end of the reading Morrow wrote " the people we have put in office are those ones best suited there. As citizens we are bit too quick to judge how our political representative have done their jobs. We need to realize that in order to dig ourselves out of this massive hole we are in we need to be patient, no matter how difficult that may be in times of hardship."
    As citizens we think it is okay to judge what out politicians  are doing, but how do we know exactly what is going on. We voted and chose these people questioning them is questioning yourself.

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Project

   For the literacy project I am going to either do a power point, movie or slide show of my work at the daycare. I have been working at the Kids Klub Daycare in Mashpee for two years. Over these past years I have learned how to communicate and understand people better. Being a teacher you need to know the parents as well as you know your students. Kids and parents are all different, so you have to approach situations differently with each one. My people skills have greatly improved since working there.

Project Options

   The project that stood out most was Music more than reading. The tittle is interesting where you are willing to watch a few seconds to see what it is about. Also the music had a good beat where your sitting there nodding you head and dancing a little in your seat. It was nice that he changed the song when he was telling about the change in his life. Also there is not may lyrics sung, so you can focus on what he wrote instead of singing along. Also the oder was nice. It started out in the past to the present day. There also was a little humor in there so it wasn't such a serious piece.
    I think his project was relatable to because it is hard to make friends, everyone has been there at some point. Friendship doesn't always come easy, it helps when you join something your passionate about and you find people like you. The message is important. This is something I would show to a group of junior high kids who are trying to find there way. It is a good piece to show at a challenge day. It was my favorite project out of the four.