Friday, October 8, 2010


     A twisted world by James Mc Morrow Jr. had an interesting take on politics. It was interesting to think about celebrities running the country. Our lives would be different if they were to run the country because yes they have played the role of a president or a Major in the Army. The issues we considered important would be thrown out the window. At the end of the reading Morrow wrote " the people we have put in office are those ones best suited there. As citizens we are bit too quick to judge how our political representative have done their jobs. We need to realize that in order to dig ourselves out of this massive hole we are in we need to be patient, no matter how difficult that may be in times of hardship."
    As citizens we think it is okay to judge what out politicians  are doing, but how do we know exactly what is going on. We voted and chose these people questioning them is questioning yourself.

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