Friday, April 1, 2011


I have conducted and interview before. I have been interviewed and interviewed others. It was informal interviews. It was difficult being interviewed because I was not clear on what I was being asked and also he did not have the questions on had. He forgot what he wanted to ask and had to schedule another interview. In the reading for this week I learned what I have done wrong when interviewing others. When Interviewing people there needs to be some structure yet there needs to be flexibility. The informants may make a comment that you had not anticipated. There are two questions used when conducting an interview, open and closed questions. Closed questions are ones that do not need an explanation. Most of the time an interviewer will start out with these type of questions. Open questions are more in-depth. Open question start a conversation form. Deciding what questions are need helps, but unless you know how to listen then the questions are useless. A good listener has eye contact, does not fiddle with objects, and does not check the time. The interviewer needs to know when to let the informations stray from the question and when yo get back on topic.

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