Friday, February 25, 2011


    For our class we have to create a website to use as our portfolio. Some students in the class already have a website from last semester. For the knew students they are going to have a lot to do.  It was hard to start out. If you have never created a website before there is a lot too. It is easy, but very time consuming. Weebly is an easy site to use. There are videos to explain how to use things. Mostly you just have to sit and play around with the site. Also what is nice is weebly is free. You can buy your domain name, but there is no real need to. 
    There are many different ways you can set up the portfolio. It can formal or informal. Some people made it like a business website very gray, black and white. There was not much too it. Others, like me, chose to make it more fun. I wanted it to represent parts of me. It was helpful to look back at Mrs. Williams old students websites. Its nice to see different ways you can set up your site, but also look at their past work. 
Its a nice writing tool to have. It helps to see how other people did their projects and what suggestions they have. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


In the essay Slide, Roll, Slam the author does an amazing job of describing the ally. The paper starts off with a strong tittle. It does not tell you exactly what the paper is about, but it is interesting enough so it will draw in people who come across it.  The paper starts of strong with the sentence "The sounds of shoes sliding against smooth wood lanes and bowling balls rolling like thunder then slamming against multiple pins rings in my ears." The write did a great job of describing the bowling ally. The reader call really picture what is going on. You can tell the author spent a lot of time at her site.  This allowed her to be certain about her conclusion. It was helpful to understand what she was describing because she wrote about everything at the ally. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

MHS/Movie Theater

  I haven't decided on where I would like to go for this project. One choice is to go back to my old high school and observe a Senior Seminar course. Like most high school courses the class is selected at random, so the type of people range. I did take this course in high school but each teacher runs the class differently and I would not be with my old teacher. I want to see how different the class is compared to mine because it is a a different teacher, but also a different grade. I would like to see how well this class is handling this course. Also how they handle the teacher as well.
  The second place I would looking at is a movie theater. Everyone loves movies and so many different people go to them. I spend a lot of time at the movies and while I am waiting for my movie to start I like to listen to people and hear what they say about the movie they have just seen. I would like to see how different people act when they are at the movies not just getting food and tickets but in the theater.