Friday, February 25, 2011


    For our class we have to create a website to use as our portfolio. Some students in the class already have a website from last semester. For the knew students they are going to have a lot to do.  It was hard to start out. If you have never created a website before there is a lot too. It is easy, but very time consuming. Weebly is an easy site to use. There are videos to explain how to use things. Mostly you just have to sit and play around with the site. Also what is nice is weebly is free. You can buy your domain name, but there is no real need to. 
    There are many different ways you can set up the portfolio. It can formal or informal. Some people made it like a business website very gray, black and white. There was not much too it. Others, like me, chose to make it more fun. I wanted it to represent parts of me. It was helpful to look back at Mrs. Williams old students websites. Its nice to see different ways you can set up your site, but also look at their past work. 
Its a nice writing tool to have. It helps to see how other people did their projects and what suggestions they have. 

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